Update: Internet of Things Seminar

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#mitsamasg >> Last September 24, SAMA organized the first of a series of seminars about the Internet of Things. Entitled “Industrie 4.0,” it talks about the 4th Industrial (and technological) Revolution. This is the name given to the German strategic initiative to establish Germany as a lead market and provider of advanced manufacturing solutions.

Industrie 4.0 – A German strategic initiative to become a lead market and provider of advanced manufacturing solutions.

This technical seminar was conducted by Engr. Marlou Madrio at one of the rooms in the AIA Building in Alexandra Road, Singapore.



Our speaker talked about how this on-going revolution will help us be more productive by automating those simple tasks and letting us focus on more complicated work at hand.

He spoke about the Internet of Things (IoT). In the basic sense, it is essentially connecting all devices, electronic or otherwise, into the internet thereby allowing us to monitor and/or control them autonomously. Of course, it is more complicated in real life application. Engr. Madrio also shared that IoT can be utilized to help ease or even solve the traffic problem in the Philippines! If you have the passion and know-how like our speaker, the future will be something else altogether.

We were joined by our SAMA members and friends.




SAMA gave a plaque to Engr. Madrio as a token of our appreciation for sharing with us his technical knowledge with practical applications at his work. It is one of his personal passions in life. He has also expressed his interest to work with our SAMA members to come up with IoT based solutions that will help those in need in Singapore, as a way of giving back to our host country and in the Philippines, as a social endeavor to alleviate the lives of the poor.


Please join and follow us for the next part of the Internet of Things seminar series coming soon.

Viva Mapua!!!

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